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I'm a life-long educator, writer, hostess, mom, gardener, and party planner. I find joy in the everyday, whether I am cooking dinner for just two of us, planning a party for all ten of us, enjoying my grandchildren, or doting on my three beautiful daughters. I retired from education in June of 2020, just 3 months after the Covid lockdown. During that time of anxiety and political unrest, I started spending more time in the garden, and occasionally posted brief videos of the goings on in my backyard during quarantine. Readers responded with gratitude, and reported that they found my blog to be a welcome respite from the daily news.


And so I continued. 


Now, two granddaughters later, I find that I have less time for the garden, but lots more time for family, friends, and home. And so, I share daily videos of bright spots in my days - to help lift both our spirits during these still trying times. 


All of this, and the strong desire to grow older gracefully, despite the challenges that age brings. In my professional life, I've been a teacher, an administrator, a dean, a director, a professor, and a doctor ( an Ed.D. like Jill Biden!). I have enjoyed each of the many paths I have walked, and I am proud of the work I have done outside of my home. I have met fascinating people, made wonderful friends, and learned from each student that I taught.


But I have more to do and more to learn. This is a new beginning of sorts, as I navigate a life without a commute, and days spent close to home with my growing family. I look forward to sharing and learning from you. Everyday.


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