It's hard to believe that I'm still putting the house together after the holidays! But today was the very last piece. And it was great fun talking about my beautiful Belleek China. I have a very small collection, but I love it -- and I feel like I've joined a little community of other Belleek afficianados!
Collecting is a lot of fun. Before Covid, I used to go to the occasional Estate Sale and Antique Shop, looking for pieces of china to round out my sets, or for the rare Belleek piece! When I would find a treasure, what a thrill! And generally at Estate Sales, things can be lots less expensive.
I've got lots of collections, all small, but things that I enjoy. Carnival glass, Rosaries (ok, I have lots of rosaries!) , Angels Baseballs bobbleheads, and Cobalt blue crystal to name a few. Plus, of course, my 1500 + Christmas Tree Ornaments!
It makes a house a home.