The most poignant thing about my new treasure was my conversation with the owners of the estate. The woman told me that her father used this 3 arm, 10 nappy (bowl) Cambridge epergne for his camellias. And the way that she told me made me understand that this was a well loved memory for her and her family.
I am grateful to give it a good home and continue to create more well loved memories with my new-to-me epergne!
Growing up in Southern California, my parents used to take my sister and I to the Huntington Library. I especially remember wandering through the camellia gardens where the temperature would drop as we were engulfed by the towering camellia bushes bordering each side of the pathway growing so densely one after the other. I was always amazed by the variety on display from the simple single rows of petals to the double varieties and those with variegated petals. Truly magical! We had a few camellia bushes in our backyard and just seeing your gorgeous camellias on display in the epergne made me homesick! Thank you for bringing back such wonderful memories to me!